Monday, March 28, 2011

Shop Update

It has been only 2 (what seems like short) weeks, and a lot has happened. On my way home this evening, we stopped by the shop, and I was so surprised to see that the demolition is almost completely finished! Last time we were there a few weeks ago, it was a realtor's office....after a day and a half of the demolition, it looks like this:

We got to meet the contractors and everything is moving ahead. For the first time, it felt real that the shop was going to be opening. Seeing the designs on paper is nothing like walking in and seeing the space. I cannot wait to be open! When you walk in the door, this is the view of the store as of right now:

Now that the construction will be starting soon, we will be checking in more often, and I will keep taking pictures of the process.

Here is one of the permit for the demolition (which was up a few weeks ago):

And, the lovely ceiling after the demo...

Hope you enjoyed seeing the progress on our dessert boutique & cake shop. Just a heads up that our website will be down within the next week or so while our new one is designed. You can still reach us at mica@confectioneiress and keep up with new pictures and updates on Facebook.

Also wanted to share my 13 year old niece's cake from this past weekend, which she LOVED!

Thanks for stopping by!

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